
Built on Monero


Forking Coloured Coin of Haven


Incorporating Djed model


To peg to a reference value

About Dizi

Enjoy the best technologies combined together

Monero has enabled the creation of a confidential blockchain system.

Haven made possible to have several native tokens within a Monero blockchain.

Djed proposed an innovative model to peg a value.

Let’s combine these 3 technologies for the Dizi stablecoin, the dCNY.

Your money, private and stable

The current times are witnessing significant changes, and traditional banks are outdated and resistant to adapt. The emergence of networks enabling autonomous banks has provided a timely opportunity. It is time to regain control over your finances and conduct transactions privately, securely, and effortlessly. After all, it is your money.


Dizi ensures your financial privacy by safeguarding your accounts, transactions, and assets, thereby upholding your right to financial confidentiality.


Dizi uses Djed technology to stabilize value.

No Middlemen

All conversions and transfers are performed in-wallet. No counterparties and no middlemen, giving you unrivaled control and security.

Dizi network

Dizi combines the simplicity of a basic Djed implementation with the privacy elements of Haven, themselves inherited from Monero. To comprehend the functioning of this hybrid system, it is crucial to grasp the essential features and functionalities it offers.


Dizi relies on its overcollateralization feature, which helps maintain the stability of its stablecoin.
This means that the system holds more collateral than the total value of the stablecoins in circulation, ensuring that there are enough reserves to cover the circulating supply.
This precautionary measure reduces the risk of “bank runs,” where many users withdraw their funds at once, which could destabilize the system. In addition to ensuring stability, Dizi also prioritizes privacy and security, utilizing the trusted Haven codebase.

By incorporating these elements, Dizi aims to operate reliably and securely while maintaining a high level of privacy.


Before Dizi was created, the Djed protocol had been successfully implemented in SigmaUSD, COTI’s Djed, Milkomeda Djed Osiris Dollar (MOD) and Zephyr Protocol.
These implementations demonstrated the effectiveness of the Djed model in maintaining stablecoin value, despite asset price volatility.
The success of these previous deployments in various blockchain ecosystems lends credibility to the adoption of the same principles by Dizi.

Dizi aims to build upon the proven strategies of the Djed protocol by using the Haven technology “Coloured Coins” which permits to have several native coins in a Monero blockchain system.
This innovative approach combines stability, scalability and privacy in a decentralized platform, making it a pioneering step in the stablecoin market.

Wallets to download

Only CLI (Command Line Interface) at the moment

Windows version

SHA256: To come

Mac os version

SHA256: To come

Linux version

SHA256: To come


Exchange platforms listing Dizi

Our Team

Two members, at the moment



